Antar Yoga

“Antar Yoga” is not a widely recognized or standardized term in the context of yoga practices. However, it’s possible that the term might be used in a specific context, perhaps within a certain yoga tradition, school, or as a variation of a more widely known concept.

In traditional yoga, the term “antar” is derived from Sanskrit and generally means “inner” or “internal.” Many forms of yoga emphasize the connection between the physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and the internal or spiritual aspects of the practitioner.

If “Antar Yoga” is being used in a specific school or context, it would be helpful to explore the teachings or literature associated with that particular tradition. Yoga practices can vary widely, and different instructors or traditions may use unique terminology.

For the most accurate and current information, especially if there have been developments or new interpretations since my last update, I recommend checking with authoritative sources within the specific yoga community or tradition you are interested in.

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